346: SEVEN

346: SEVEN

#007 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at

I introduce you to Maryann or Mariann. I’m not sure how you spell her name because honestly I didn’t ask her how to spell her name. She is 52 years old, happily married and has lived on Guam all her life. She used to live in Agat but now resides in Dededo.

There were three other people with her. Her auntie Priscilliana who is in a wheelchair and was basically asking for donation because she is trying to go to the Philippines to have heart surgery. Maryann’s husband, Jerome was in the center island asking for money as well. They told me that every other day they go to this specific spot to ask for donations. I took a look at Maryann’s auntie, Priscilliana and her feet are swollen and I could see that there is a sore on her right foot. I automatically asked her if she was diabetic and she said yes. Priscilliana also bakes and has been selling donuts at the Flea Market. Boñelos is what it’s called. I hope I got that right. Priscilliana didn’t want her picture taken and I understood that. She was thankful to God for having Maryann and Jerome there because they have been helping her. She said that one day God will award them. There was a little boy there too but I forgot to ask his name. He was preoccupied playing with his toy. I gave a dollar and they appreciated it. They were telling me any kind of donation counts.

I was at mobil gas station when I noticed several people sitting on the curb. I was thinking whether I should ask them for almost five minutes when I finally did. Honestly, I was afraid to and I was walking back and forth telling myself..”No, just go back…there’s always next time. ” I was fighting with myself basically. I’m happy that I faced my fear and DID it.



I had an amazing day with some friends. We laughed soooo much today. We had some discussions about religion. But I totally missed them. I want more nights like this one. Well I kind of missed yesterday. I was out practically the whole day just catching up with some people. We talked about this semester. How we are afraid about this upcoming semester. Chit chatting about our class. I came to realize that I shouldn’t be afraid. What ever will be will be. I am a strong believer that things happen for a reason and that we got to go with the flow. We talked a lot….mostly laughing. I mean I literally hurt from laughing. That’s why continue to surround yourself with positive people. People that make you laugh and don’t talk bad about you. Don’t need no negativity in your life.

Film is not dead

been a day since my sister left. Anywho I’ve been wanting to shoot in film but it’s just expensive. I decided that I would shoot in film once every week. Well shoot what I can everyday with just one roll of film. Yah, that’s going to be hard. But it will help me become a better photographer I believe. I was lucky enough to take this shot. We were leaving and the sun was shining through her window. I hate my scanner though ! AHHH! I also ordered something today. Only spent $40. I know. I should save. Okay then I have to go eat. My mom is calling me.